Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Open Access


1. Responsibilities

Aside from providing prestige, the role of the editorial board members and reviewers are to advise and support the editor. A reviewer's comment decides the acceptance or rejection of an article so they play an important role in peer review process. All the members are requested to test out the articles submitted to them without any bias to increase the quality of our journals. Objectives of the editorial board members and reviewers as following,

  1. Provide content by writing occasional editorials and other short articles.

  2. Peer review; also help to identify peer reviewers and provide second opinions on papers.

  3. Identifying new topics for commissions, special editions and advising on direction for the journal—giving feedback on past issues and making suggestions for both subject matter and potential authors.

  4. Endorse the journal to authors, readers and subscribers and encourage colleagues to submit their best work.

  5. Copyediting and proofreading of the manuscripts in accordance with publishing standards especially with grammar, punctuation and spelling.

2. Agreement

The acceptance of following terms and conditions confirms your appointment as a member on editorial board or reviewer of Upubscience Publisher.

  1. Your appointment is initially for three years.

  2. You agree to display your name and photograph on the website of the site and journal cover.

  3. You are expected to observe carefully general policies, code of ethics and practices of the Clausius Scientific Press Publications which may change from time to time based on expansion plans for the improvement in quality of the journal system.

3. Termination

It is expected that you will complete the term as stated. This agreement may be terminated at any time based on following conditions.

  1. Repetitive unsatisfactory performance of the assigned work.

  2. Lack of mutual understanding on common aspects as per the policies of Upubscience Publisher.

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