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Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp 1-7, 2025



Olaoye Elijah Olawale


Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria.

Corresponding Author

Olaoye Elijah Olawale


The democratic process that was triggered in Africa in the 1990s, especially in Francophone West Africa is choked with various problems. Few years ago, many African countries were either under military regimes or one party system. Today, the continent has witnessed a positive change at least in form and nomenclature with the exception of few countries where there were military coups recently namely: Mali, Niger Republic, Burkina Fasso. From Gambia to Benin Republic to Togolese Republic, countries have adopted democratic constitutions through popular elections. Yet in the course of transition through national conferences or military regimes to democratic regimes, most of these countries find themselves at crossroads. Democratization is synonymous to democratic consolidation which must entails guarantee of free and fair elections, fundamental human rights, freedoms, participation and rule of law. This paper discusses transitions to democracy of some francophone West African countries and analyses the problems confronting its development process. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex process of democratization in Francophone West Africa. 


Democratization; Francophone West Africa; Democratic transitions; Obstacles


Olaoye Elijah Olawale. Democratisation: transitions and obstacles amongst Francophone West African countries. Journal of Trends in Arts and Humanities. 2025, 2(1): 1-7. DOI:


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