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Volume 3, Issue 1, Pp 1-11, 2025



S.K Md Anik Hassan Rabby*, Arifur Rahman, Nashita Mumtahina


Department of Management Studies, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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S.K Md Anik Hassan Rabby


This study investigates the role of supply chain management (SCM) in facilitating the growth and transformation of the agricultural sector of Bangladesh through modern agricultural machineries, focusing on the case of ACI Motors. Despite agriculture employing a significant portion of Bangladesh’s population, a productivity gap persists due to limited mechanization. ACI Motors recognized this issue and introduced various advanced farm equipment, including tractors, harvesters, and transplanters, sourced primarily from international partners. The research employs both qualitative and quantitative methods, including interviews and a survey of 125 ACI Motors employees. Findings reveal that a well-structured SCM framework—covering planning, import operations, inventory control, and distribution—enables ACI Motors to efficiently deliver machinery across the country, contributing substantially to modernization in agriculture. Statistical tests confirm that dealers are important but not the sole key players in the supply chain, and indicate a positive relationship between ACI Motors’ operations and the sector’s mechanization drive. While challenges such as small landholdings, low purchasing capacity, and policy constraints persist, the study demonstrates how robust SCM practices can address these barriers. Overall, the paper underscores the significance of SCM in advancing farm mechanization for sustainable agricultural development in Bangladesh. 


Supply chain management; Agricultural mechanization; ACI motors; Modern agricultural machineries; Distribution network; Tractor import


S.K Md Anik Hassan Rabby, Arifur Rahman, Nashita Mumtahina. Supply chain insights of modern agricultural machineries and its contribution to the transformation of the agricultural sector of Bangladesh. Academic Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 2025, 3(1): 1-11. DOI:


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