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Volume 1, Issue 1, Pp 18-21, 2024 



Aloy-Amadi Winifred Udodirim


Department of Nursing Science, Rivers State University, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria.

Corresponding Author

Aloy-Amadi Winifred Udodirim


Emergency units (EUs) are critical components of healthcare systems, providing immediate care to patients with acute illnesses or injuries. Nurses play an indispensable role in these high-pressure environments, managing patient care, triaging, and ensuring the seamless functioning of emergency services. This article examines the role of nurses in emergency units, highlighting their contributions, challenges, and the skills required to thrive in this demanding setting. It also explores strategies to support emergency nurses and improve patient outcomes.


Emergency nurses; Triage; Patient care; Crisis management; Burnout; Leaership; Stress; Workplace violence


Aloy-Amadi Winifred Udodirim. Nurses and the emergency unit: a comprehensive overview. Sciences in Nursing and Health. 2024, 1(1): 18-21. DOI:


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