Volume 3, Issue 1, Pp 33-42, 2025
Stephen Kelvin Sata
ICOF Global University, Lusaka, Zambia.
Corresponding Author
Stephen Kelvin Sata
Concerning this issue, the present study aims to investigate transformational curriculum development as the key enabler of enhancing learners' critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These include research into curriculum theories and experiences that connect frameworks to the functioning of the 21st-century knowledge economy. This work seeks to critically analyse constructivist, experiential and inquiry learning theories as frameworks for creating a curriculum which fosters higher-order cognition. It also assesses how content area disciplines work in cohesion, taught with collaboration and communication implemented equally within the classroom, and various forms of technology to produce interactive and innovative learning.
This research reports a literature and case study analysis of progressive approaches for integrating critical thinking and problem-solving competency within various learning environments. Therefore, the study supports the learning goals, delivery models, and evaluation paradigms underpinning radical change. Implications for classroom practice, system improvement, and curriculum design are considered, focusing on the context and applicability of the ideas described at the classroom, school, district, and state levels. This research's findings help fill the literature gap on curriculum creation and application by providing best practices to enhance practice-based applied theoretical educational approaches for learners who are expected to solve multifaceted issues in the current work environment.
Transformative curriculum design; Critical thinking; Complex problem-solving; Theoretical models
Stephen Kelvin Sata. Transformative curriculum design for advanced critical thinking and complex problem-solving: theoretical models and practical applications. Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities Research. 2025, 3(1): 33-42. DOI:
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