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Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp 10-17, 2025



Imam Mudofir*, Alief Sutantohadi, Halim Ahmad Faizin, Muhyiddin Aziz, Eda Maaliyah, Yulius Harry Widodo, Moh. Farid Maftuh


Madiun State Polytechnic, Taman, Kota Madiun, Jawa Timur, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author

Imam Mudofir


In this study, initially scoring at 50.35, the objective was to enhance students' English reading comprehension through Problem Based Learning (PBL), using a Collaborative Classroom Action Research approach. The methodology involved stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection in distinct cycles, each comprising two meetings. Data were collecting using methods like English reading comprehension evaluation, questionnaires on Problem Based Learning (PBL) practice, and field notes. The participants were fourth semester students of the D3 English Study Program State Polytechnic. Notably, student scores in English reading comprehension improved across cycles, from a total score of English reading comprehension ability in reading skill in cycle I is 1.530 and in cycle II is 1.745, average in cycle I is 77,5 and in cycle II is 88,25 and the percentage in cyle I is 70 % and in cycle II is 90 %. And the average of the effectiveness of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) increase in the learning process, in cycle I is 58 and in cycle II is 88.


Problem Based Learning (PBL) & English Reading Comprehension


Imam Mudofir, Alief Sutantohadi, Halim Ahmad Faizin, Muhyiddin Aziz, Eda Maaliyah, Yulius Harry Widodo, Moh. Farid Maftuh. Improving English reading comprehension through Problem Based Learning (PBL). Journal of Language, Culture and Education Studies. 2025, 2(1): 10-17. DOI:


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