Volume 3, Issue 1, Pp 8-19, 2025
PengJin Liu1, Jie Wang2, JiaFa Du1, JianFei Sun2*, YongLiang Zhang2, HongWei Mu2
1Qinghai Shanjin Mining Co. Ltd., Haixi 817000, Qinghai, China.
2School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266000, Shandong, China.
Corresponding Author
JianFei Sun
When an earthquake and precipitation coincide, there is a considerable increase in the danger of tailing dam instability. This work chooses a typical metal mine tailing dam in the Jiaodong area and numerically models the danger of tailing dam instability under the coupling of earthquake and rainfall. The simulation is based on the genuine demand for efficient warning of tailing dam instability under extreme natural conditions. The analysis focuses on the tailing dam's displacement and instability risk in the event of a strong earthquake, intense rainfall, or a combination of the two. According to the simulation results, the middle and upper portions of the accumulation dam exhibit the largest horizontal displacement of the tailing dam, while the rainfall coupling condition exhibits the maximum horizontal displacement of the dam body. According to the study, there is a higher risk of dam failure in the upper-middle region of the tailing dam, and in two extremely harsh natural settings, an earthquake will have a more significant effect on the stability of the dam. The study's findings offer a solid scientific foundation for emergency planning and for monitoring and warning of tailing dams during severe natural disasters.
Tailing dam; Rainfall and earthquake; Coupling action; Dynamic response
PengJin Liu, Jie Wang, JiaFa Du, JianFei Sun, YongLiang Zhang, HongWei Mu. Simulation analysis of the dynamic response characteristics of a typical gold mine tailing dam under the coupling of earthquake and rainfall. World Journal of Engineering Research. 2025, 3(1): 8-19. DOI:
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