Volume 3, Issue 1, Pp 1-8, 2025
Uduak Udoudom
Faculty of Communication & Media Studies, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria.
Corresponding Author
Uduak Udoudom
The media’s role in Nigeria is deeply inbred in the nation’s democratic principles, being the watch dog of the government and also being a driving force for public engagement. But while press freedom is exercised, the exercise itself can sometimes clash with legal constraints, leaving journalists with difficult ethical decisions to make. This research examines the micro constraints of freedom of expression in Nigerian journalism practice. The study uses a mixed method approach to understand how media professionals grapple with ethical and legal boundary issues. This comprehensive method was used to achieve the objectives of this study, combining a desk research, interviews with media professionals and legal experts as well as case studies of significant legal and ethical incidence in Nigerian journalism. The theoretical basis of media ethics, freedom of speech and legal aspects of journalism in Nigeria were examined in the desk research component. Also, there were in depth interviews with seasoned journalists and legal experts to ascertain the ethics of legal reporting. Case studies of high profile incidents were also thoroughly analysed, with contextual understanding of the ethical and legal issues that arise in real world journalism practice. In addition to illustrating both the complications involved, these case studies provide a starting point to understand both the intricacy of journalistic decisions making processes and their outcomes. The study concludes that media organisations and the professional bodies should invest in legal literacy programme for journalists to become well educated on the laws that are relevant to them and respect court decisions.
Media ethics; Legal reporting; Freedom of expression; Legal constraint; Journalism practice
Uduak Udoudom. Media ethics and legal reporting in Nigeria: balancing freedom of expression and legal constraints in journalism practice. World Journal of Sociology and Law. 2025, 3(1): 1-8. DOI:
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