Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp 18-22, 2025



Kamoru Abiodun SABITU1*, Olubiyi Johnson EZEKIEL2, Oluwafunmike Oyenike EZEKIEL1, Taofeek Oyesola LAMIDI1, Akinlolu SOLADEMI3


1Department of Science Education, School of General Studies Education, Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria.

2Department of Integrated Science, School of Secondary Education (Science Programmes), Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria.

3American Christian Academy, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Corresponding Author

Kamoru Abiodun SABITU


This study is focused on how economic hardship influences the attitude of students towards mathematics learning in secondary schools Oyo metropolis, Oyo state, Nigeria. The study was carried out among secondary school students. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design in which six hundred and ninety-nine (699) from the population of six thousand five hundred and fifty-five (6,555) SS2 students in 33 public secondary schools in the three Local Government Areas of Oyo metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria were randomly selected using Slovin’s Formula. The instrument used for data collection was a self-structured questionnaire validated by experts. A reliability coefficient of 0.88 was established. The study was driven by three research questions and data collected were analysed using mean and standard deviation. The study revealed that the attitudes students exhibit toward mathematics learning as a result of economic hardship are negative and the extent to which economic hardship influences students' learning in mathematics is very high. Based on the findings it was recommended among others that mathematics teachers should make mathematics classes livelier by making the class activities based.


Economic hardship; Students' attitude; Learning; Mathematics


Kamoru Abiodun SABITU, Olubiyi Johnson EZEKIEL, Oluwafunmike Oyenike EZEKIEL, Taofeek Oyesola LAMIDI, Akinlolu SOLADEMI. Economic hardship and students' attitude toward mathematics learning in secondary schools in Oyo metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. Educational Research and Human Development. 2025, 2(1): 18-22. DOI:


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