Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp 14-18, 2025
DOI: https://doi.org/10.61784/wjll3004
Muhammad Mustafa1*, Lubna Ali Mohammed1, Muhammad Issa2
1Lincoln University College of Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
2University of Baltistan, Skardu, Hussainabad, Skardu, Pakistan.
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Mustafa
This study aims at focusing on the linguistic properties of adjectives in English and Balti language, employing a CA approach to identifying the similarities and dissimilarities of the mentioned languages’ adjectives. The investigation involved a parallel contrastive analysis of adjectives, with data sourced from linguistic texts in both languages. The findings revealed that similarities and differences are evident across various dimensions of adjectives, including their classifications by form, formation, semantic, and syntactic positions. Morphologically, Baltis exhibit reduplication as a distinctive feature, which is absent or rarely applied in English. Thus, the two languages differ significantly in applying the reduplicative adjectives and the affixation systems particularly in using the prefixes. Understanding these contrasts is crucial for addressing learning difficulties. By recognizing both the similarities and, more prominently, the dissimilarities in adjective structures, educators and learners can mitigate trials in the pedagogical process of English adjectives. Awareness is fundamental in reducing the linguistic trials faced by Balti speakers acquiring English as a L2, ultimately enhancing the overall effectiveness of language education.
Contrastive analysis; Morphology; Balti adjectives; English adjectives linguistics
Muhammad Mustafa, Lubna Ali Mohammed, Muhammad Issa. A contrastive analysis of morphological aspects of English and Balti adjectives. World Journal of Linguistics and Literature. 2025, 2(1): 14-18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.61784/wjll3004.
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