Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp 26-29, 2025
SuWen Dong
Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 201620, China.
Corresponding Author
SuWen Dong
Borges’ short stories are celebrated for their allegorical and philosophical fancies. He is infatuated with the idea of representation, simulation, and reproduction, which abounds in his fantasies. The idea of simulation is naturally related to the concept of Simulacra. Baudrillard’s theory of the simulacrum in Simulacra and Simulation is one of the most significant pillars of postmodern thought. With the aid of his theoretical framework, some new ways are provided to read Borges’ works which are all-embracing and flexibly welcome the postmodern interpretation.
Borges' Short Stories; Simulacra; Postmodernism
SuWen Dong. Simulacra replace reality in borges' short stories. Journal of Trends in Arts and Humanities. 2025, 2(1): 26-29. DOI:
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