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Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp 25-41, 2025



S.K Md Anik Hassan Rabby1*, Abdullah Al Jubair2, Tasnim Zerin Nizhum2, Muhammad Asiful Haque2


1Department of Management Studies, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka. Bangladesh.

2Faulty of Business Studies, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka. Bangladesh.    

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S.K Md Anik Hassan Rabby


This study investigates the impact of AI-enabled HR technologies on employee development and performance management within Bangladesh's telecommunication sector. Using PLS-SEM analysis of survey data collected from 205 employees through Google Forms across telecommunication companies in Bangladesh, the research examines three key technological capabilities: AI-powered Performance Analytics (APA), Intelligent Learning Management Systems (ILM), and Predictive HR Analytics (PHA). The findings reveal that Predictive HR Analytics demonstrates the strongest influence on both employee development and performance management, while AI-powered Performance Analytics shows significant impact only on performance management. Intelligent Learning Management Systems positively influence employee development but show no significant effect on performance management. The model explains 81.7% of variance in employee development and 70.7% in performance management, suggesting robust explanatory power. These findings suggest that predictive analytics constitute a cornerstone for leveraging AI in HR, offering a strategic advantage by aligning technology with organizational objectives. The study contributes to the ongoing discourse on HR digitalization by highlighting the differential impacts of AI-enabled tools and underscores the need for improved integration between diverse HR systems to fully realize the benefits of technological innovation in human capital management.


AI-enabled HR technologies; Predictive HR analytics; Employee development; Performance management; Telecommunication industry


S.K Md Anik Hassan Rabby, Abdullah Al Jubair, Tasnim Zerin Nizhum, Muhammad Asiful Haque. The impact of AI-driven hr technologies on performance management and employee development: a study of the telecommunication sector in Bangladesh. Social Science and Management. 2025, 2(1): 25-41. DOI:


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