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Volume 7, Issue 1, Pp 55-62, 2025



HongLei Ye*SiYi JiangLi Zhang, DanYao Yan


School of Mathematics and Statistics, Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei 235065, Anhui, China.

Corresponding Author

HongLei Ye


This paper aims to solve the problem of quality and cost control in the process of electronic product assembly. Through the cost-benefit analysis of each link in the assembly process, the mathematical model is constructed and the optimal decision-making scheme is proposed. The model comprehensively considers the defective rate of parts and finished products, detection cost, assembly cost, market price and other factors, aiming to achieve the best balance between product quality assurance and cost saving. Firstly, two sampling schemes are designed and compared, and a more economic binomial distribution scheme is recommended. Then according to the actual situation encountered in production, the cost and benefit of detecting spare parts, finished products and disassembling unqualified finished products are analyzed, and the optimal decision scheme is obtained after comparing the experimental data. In addition, taking two processes and eight spare parts as examples, three decision-making schemes are proposed to meet different needs. The experimental results can provide decision support for product assembly, help reduce costs, improve product quality and enhance market competitiveness.


Simple random sampling; Cost-benefit theory; Decision tree algorithm; Central limit theorem; Product assembly decisions


HongLei Ye, SiYi Jiang, Li Zhang, DanYao Yan. Electronic product assembly decis-ion based on the dual perspectives of quality and cost. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2025, 7(1): 55-62. DOI:


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