Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp 25-33, 2025
Onyeukwu Marydoris Amaka*, Clementin Ezenwuba, Anthonia Chinwendu Emesowum, Nwagwu Adanma Solomon
Department of Nursing Science, Faculty of Health Science, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria.
Corresponding Author
Onyeukwu Marydoris Amaka
This study was on career motivational factors of student nurses in selected nursing institution in Imo StateA descriptive cross – sectional design was employed, involving a sample of 189 students drawn from five accredited nursing institutions. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed with descriptive statistics and chi –square tests to examine associations between socio –demographic characteristics and motivational factors. Result indicated that 39.6% of participants strongly agreed that nursing offers job stability, while 34. 9% highlighted reliable income as a primary motivator. External factors, including family influence (p<0.5) and societal expectations (p<0.05), were significantly associated with career choice.The study underscores the need for tailored career guidance programs to address motivational drive specific to the nursing profession.
Career motivation; Nursing students; Intrinsic and extrinsic factors; Career choice; Nursing institutions; Job stability; Imo State; Nigeria
Onyeukwu Marydoris Amaka, Clementin Ezenwuba, Anthonia Chinwendu Emesowum, Nwagwu Adanma Solomon. Career motivating factors of student nurses in selected nursing institutions in imo state. Sciences in Nursing and Health. 2025, 2(1): 25-33. DOI:
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