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Volume 7, Issue 2, Pp 1-6, 2025



LiNing Yuan, ZhongYu Xing*, YuXia Tang


School of Information Technology, Guangxi Police College, Nanning53028, Guangxi, China.

Corresponding Author

ZhongYu Xing


Crime situation awareness technology utilizes crime big data to analyze the patterns and trends of criminal incidents, predict potential future crimes, and promote the transformation of public safety towards proactive prevention. It provides decision-making support for public security such as risk management and police resource allocation. The paper presents a comprehensive review of crime situation awareness and summarize the general process. Based on theories and algorithms, the review is categorized into methods based on criminal theories, machine learning, and deep learning. Additionally, it conducts an in-depth analysis of the limitations of existing methods and proposes three potential research directions: basic theories of crime situation awareness, crime situation awareness technology models, and crime situation awareness intelligence decision-making.


Crime situation awareness; Criminal theory; Machine learning; Deep learning


LiNing Yuan, ZhongYu Xing, YuXia Tang. Theory and applications of crime situation awareness technology. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2025, 7(2): 1-6. DOI:


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