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Volume 3, Issue 1, Pp 58-61, 2025



ShouTong Huang


Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, Ningxia, China.

Corresponding Author

ShouTong Huang


This article provides a comprehensive review of modern digital signal processing (DSP) technology and explores its cutting-edge advancements. It covers the fundamental theories, key technologies and applications across various fields. By analyzing both classical methods and frontier research, it highlights the development trajectory and future trends of digital signal processing. The core concepts and principles of DSP, such as Fourier transforms and filter design, are introduced, followed by an in-depth discussion of its applications in communication, audio processing, image processing, and biomedical engineering. The paper also focuses on emerging technologies, including the integration of deep learning with DSP, learnable DSP techniques, quantum signal processing, and privacy protection in signal processing. Finally, the future development trends of DSP are forecasted, including the development of more efficient algorithms, hardware optimization, and deeper integration with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.


Modern digital signal processing; Cutting-edge science and technology; Signal analysis; Multi-domain applications


ShouTong Huang. Current status and prospects of modern digital signal processing. World Journal of Information Technology. 2025, 3(1): 58-61. DOI:


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