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Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 15-25


Wentsao Pan


School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China.

Corresponding Author

Wentsao Pan


The proliferation of digital data requires the establishment of a new research paradigm based on complex data and methods. Building a computable research paradigm is a new path for knowledge management research in the era of digital intelligence. Through systematic digital representation and execution of computable Knowledge objects are of great significance for the exploration of application modes that promote knowledge to practice. Drawing on the development rules and research results of computational social science, the concept and core content of constructing computational knowledge management science are proposed. Comparing the three research methods of the computational social science research paradigm, three research methods for the development of computational knowledge management science are proposed. Computational knowledge management science is a new path for the development of knowledge management in the era of digital intelligence, and its core is to integrate computer science and technology to bridge the gap between "data-knowledge-practice-data". The scientific development of computational knowledge management is driven by the trinity of data, algorithms, and computing power. Building a computable knowledge management system and interpretability is the only way to adapt to the complex knowledge environment in the future. The research methods of computational knowledge management science are integrated, self-adaptive and time-sensitive, dynamic evolution and multi-dimensional verification are the core requirements of computational knowledge management system.


Knowledge management; Computational social science; Computational knowledge management science; Knowledge twin; Metaverse; Digital intelligence.


Wentsao Pan. Computational knowledge management science: the research path of knowledge management in the era of digital intelligence. World Journal of Management Science. 2023, 1(1): 15-25.


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