Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp 54-63, 2025
Agwah Eunice Ifeyinwa*, Amadi Agwu Nkwa, Iwuala CC, Okereke Chike CA, Iwuoha UG, Osuji Samuel Chibueze
Department of Public Health, School of Health Technology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.
Corresponding Author
Agwah Eunice Ifeyinwa
Objective: To assess health problems and occupational hazards among wood artisans in Imo State, Nigeria. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, to sample 216 respondents comprising saw millers, wood carvers and carpenters. Their selection was via multistage sampling technique, from 18 community wood clusters in 9 L.G.As, proportionately drawn from the 27 L.G.As that constitute the three senatorial zones of Imo State. A pre-tested semi-structured interviewer-administered questionnaire was employed to obtain data from respondents aged 20 years and above, who consented and met inclusion criteria from October 2022 to November 2023. Data obtained were captured with SPPS version 23, analyzed using descriptive statistics. Chi square test, t-test and logistic regression at 5% level of significance. Results: Conjunctivitis (50.5%), low mean peak expiratory flow rate (385.1±52.4l/min; 50.9%), noise-induced hearing problems (104db; 56.9%), coarse palms (40.7%), musculoskeletal problems (88.0%) and hypertension (40.7%) were health issues detected. Occupational hazards included physical-wood particles (96.3%), noise (71.8%), heat (61.1%); chemical-wood dust (91.7%) and organic fumes (63.9%); biological-insect bite (61.1%); ergonomic-manual lifting of objects (60.2%), awkward posture (59.3%), repetitive work (54.2%), fixed posture (53.7%), and psycho-social-stress (60.2%) & fatigue (58.8%). Respondents’ age, daily income and years at work were significantly associated with their health issues. Conclusion: Wood artisans in Imo State are vulnerable to occupational health problems due to exposures to hazardous work environment and precarious working conditions. Functional occupational safety and health services, safety and heath education are needed for these workers.
Wood artisans; Health problems; Occupational hazards; Imo State
Agwah Eunice Ifeyinwa, Amadi Agwu Nkwa, Iwuala CC, Okereke Chike CA, Iwuoha UG, Osuji Samuel Chibueze. Health problems and occupational hazard exposures among wood artisans in Imo state, Nigeria. Sciences in Nursing and Health. 2025, 2(1): 54-63. DOI:
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