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Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 1-8


Chao Ning1, Xi An2,*, LiLi Wu1


1 School of Exercise and Health, Shanghai University of Sports, Shanghai 200438, China;

2 School of Psychology, Shanghai University of Sports, Shanghai 200438, China.

Corresponding Author

Xi An


To introduce the characteristics and application methods of Bayesian structural equation model. Firstly, the advantages of the Bayesian structural equation model were discussed, and then the second-order confirmatory factor analysis was carried out using the maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian estimation with the evaluation data of the athlete training state detection scale (32×7). The Bayesian estimation model incorporating small variance prior information such as cross loadings and residual correlations fit well, while the model using maximum likelihood estimation did not fit well. Analyze the reasons for the above differences, and summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the Bayesian structural equation model.


Bayesian method; Structural equation model; Confirmatory factor analysis; Cross loading; Residual correlation.


Chao Ning, Xi An, LiLi Wu. Applications of bayesian structural equation modeling to sport and exercise psychology. World Journal of Sport Research. 2023, 1(1): 1-8.


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