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Volume 1, Issue 1, Pp 68-87, 2023

DOI: 10.61784/wms231102


ZuChang Zhong1, YuYan Zeng1, FanChao Meng2*, YuNing Pang3, XiaoXia Ji3, YuQing Long1, XingYi Hu3


Guangdong Institute of International Strategy, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, Guangdong Province China;

Dongguan Commercial School, Dongguan 523125, Guangdong Province, China;

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, Guangdong Province, China.

Corresponding Author

FanChao Meng


Both China and the United States are important participants and promoters of the Global Value Chain (GVC). In the context of the current Sino-US trade war, manufacturing, especially high-end manufacturing, is the focus of competition between China and the United States. By comparing and analyzing the division of labor and the evolution of the participation modes of the manufacturing industry in the GVC between China and the United States, it is helpful to clarify the comparative advantages of China and the United States, and the study of the performance evaluation results of the two countries, which is of great significance to China's construction of a self-dominated GVC. Based on the perspective of value-added trade, this study uses the latest value-added trade data of the OECD-TIVA database to estimate the position and participation mode of the manufacturing industry and its sub-industries in the two countries in the GVC division of labor, and through the study of performance evaluation results, the relationship between the two countries' GVCs is discussed. The results show that: (1) since 2005, the division of labor in the global value chain of China's manufacturing industry has been gradually improving, while the United States has been gradually declining. China's manufacturing industry is closely linked to the global value chain of China and the United States, forming a close relationship. (2) China's position in the global value chain of manufacturing industry is getting closer to that of the United States. China's total participation in manufacturing industry has been higher than that of the United States for a long time, and both countries' total participation in manufacturing industry has remained stable. (3) China's manufacturing industry is becoming less and less dependent on the US. On the contrary, the US is becoming more and more dependent on China. (4) From the grey correlation coefficient between different factors of China and the United States on the division of labor in the global value chain, GDP and R&D expenditure have the highest correlation, and exports of goods and services have a greater impact on the division of labor in the global value chain of the United States.


Sino-US Manufacturing Industry; Global Value Chains; Division of Labor; The Embedded Mode; Performance Evaluation


ZuChang Zhong, YuYan Zeng, FanChao Meng, YuNing Pang, XiaoXia Ji, YuQing Long, XingYi Hu. A comparative study of manufacturing global value chain between China and the United States. World Journal of Management Science. 2023, 1(1): 68-87. DOI: 10.61784/wms231102


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