Volume 1, Issue 2, Pp 1-11, 2023
H.N. Pansambal
Department of Chemistry, Shri Saibaba College Shirdi, 423 109, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Maharashtra, India.
Corresponding Author
H.N. Pansambal
Floodplain deposits are deposits formed when rivers flood the plain., is an important carrier for watershed environmental research. in recent years, related to floodplain sedimentation Environmental research involves watershed environmental evolution, ancient flood, environmental archeology and flow area ring territory Sewage dye and flow area ring territory back scene wait collar area. return Forget it 20th century discipline 80 years The main progress in floodplain sedimentation and environmental research over the past generations, focusing on the beach sink product much Sample sex and sink product special levy, river comic beach sink accumulation ring territory refer to mark of meaning righteous, The application of floodplain sedimentation in paleoflood and watershed environmental pollution research is reviewed and analyzed., Consider floodplain sedimentation to be diverse and complex, Floodplain sedimentation has made great achievements in ancient flood research and basin environmental pollution. big quantity research study become Fruit, now back answer add powerful river comic beach sink product and gas wait Change change, river comic beach Study on sedimentary characteristics and material sources, there are many rivers in our country, regional differences are obvious, and floodplain sedimentation and environment have attractive research prospects.
Floodplain sedimentation; Sedimentation characteristics; Ancient flood; Environmental pollution
H.N. Pansambal. Progress in floodplain sedimentation and environmental research. Frontiers in Environmental Research. 2023, 1(2): 1-11. DOI:10.61784/fer231212.
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