Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Volume 1, Issue 2, Pp 7-11, 2023



Julio L. Michalek


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA.

Corresponding Author

Julio L. Michalek


Three-dimensional laser scanning technology is a new method that has emerged in recent years for soil erosion monitoring, wind-sand landforms, and effectiveness evaluation of sand prevention measures. Soil and water conservation research and desertification prevention and control play an important role in promoting. This article reviews the previous use of three-dimensional laser scanning technology in soil and water conservation and desertification prevention and control work. The application in the work is summarized, and the current problems and follow-up research are discussed, with a view to providing suggestions for the further development and application of 3D laser scanning technology. 


3D laser scanning technology; Soil erosion; Desertification; Outlook


Julio L. Michalek. Research progress of three-dimensional laser scanning technology in soil and water conservation and desertification prevention. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Mechanical Engineering. 2023, 1(2): 7-11. DOI:10.61784/msme231226.


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