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Volume 1, Issue 2, Pp 6-10, 2023



K. Smith Leiren


CICERO - Center for International Climate Research, Norway.

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K. Smith Leiren


With the continuous advancement of China's judicial informatization construction, the amount of legal text data represented by various case files, judgment documents, laws and regulations, and judicial interpretations Rapidly growing, research on legal text processing based on deep learning has become a hot issue at the intersection of law and artificial intelligence. In order to promptly follow up on the latest developments in this field, New research results, this article covers legs and countries in this field. The representative achievements of domestic and foreign scholars are analyzed and the future development trends of this field are analyzed and prospected.


Deep learning; Legal text processing; Textual representation; Text Categorization


K. Smith Leiren. Research progress in legal text processing based on deep learning. Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities Research. 2023, 1(2): 6-10. DOI:10.61784/tsshr231229.


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