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Volume 1, Issue 2, Pp 25-29, 2023



Dennis Tessmar


Department of Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA.

Corresponding Author

Dennis Tessmar


Long-term epilepsy-related tumors (long - term epilepsy associated tumor, LEAT) grows slowly, has a lower histological grade, and is accompanied by varying degrees of glial and neuronal differentiation. With the development of molecular genetics, LEAT Relevant genetic variants with diagnostic and/or prognostic significance are discovered. BRAF Gene mutation most common in ganglioglioma, BRAF V600E Mutation into the most common form of variation. Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors Common genetic alteration is FGFR 1 mutation. The most common genetic alteration in pilocytic astrocytoma is KIAA 1549 and BRAF Genetic fusion. almost all Angiocentric gliomas contain MYB - QKI Fusion. Polymorphic low-grade neuroepithelial tumors in children are often associated with BRAF V600E Mutation or FGFR 2/ FGFR 3 Fusion changes, and both changes often occur in mutually exclusive ways. Whole genome DNA Methylation analysis has become a powerful means of classifying primary brain tumors. Facilitates classification of tumors with unclear histological type.


Long-term epilepsy-related tumors; Molecular genetics


Dennis Tessmar. Progress in molecular genetic research on long-term epilepsy-related tumors. World Journal of Biomedical Sciences. 2023, 1(2): 25-29. DOI:10.61784/wjbs231241.


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