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Volume 1, Issue 2, Pp 16-22, 2023



Sutirtha Moody


Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States.

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Sutirtha Moody


Affected by the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, the realization of high-quality development of the sports industry has become an issue of the times. With new digital technologies  With the application of technology, digital twins, as a new digital technology that promotes the development of digital economy, have gradually become an academic consensus. Use digital twin scenarios as a way for ski resorts to break through business bottlenecks, put forward the idea of constructing digital twin scenes of ski resorts. Based on digital twin technology  foundation, Based on the inherent requirements of high-quality development of my country's sports industry and meeting personalized consumer needs, a digital twin scene is constructed as a ski venue  The motivation is to achieve the goal of improving the service efficiency and intelligent construction of ski resorts, and to build ski clothing centered on improving consumer experience.  business scenarios, ski resort operation and management scenarios based on simulation models, skiing decisions based on early warning linkage and intelligent decision-making systems  Scenarios to promote ski resorts to improve service quality. Based on the above, suggestions are made: 1) Strengthen the top-level design of the digital construction of ski venues and give full play to the guiding role of China's relevant policies and industry standards; 2) Stimulate the market vitality of China's ice and snow sports industry, and ski venues should increase the use of digital twin technology development The strength of ski products and services; 3) Ski resorts should strengthen the construction of digital twin platforms and improve active services; 4) Strengthen the cultivation and training of practitioners in the ice and snow sports industry, and promote the improvement of professional service levels for ice and snow venue operators.


Domestic digital twin ski venues; Smart venue operations and management; Sports industry; Ice and snow sports industry digitization


Sutirtha Moody. Ski resort digital twin scene construction logic and promotion strategy. World Journal of Information Technology. 2023, 1(2): 16-22. DOI:10.61784/wjit231262.


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