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Volume 1, Issue 2, Pp 13-15, 2023



Jelena Babovic


University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.

Corresponding Author

Jelena Babovic


In today's era, with the continuous development of the market economy and the continuous improvement of people's material and cultural life, the corresponding food industry has also shown a diversified and popular trend. With the development trend, various kinds of food emerge in endlessly and in variety. However, in recent years, a series of serious consequences caused by frequent food safety problems have made food safety the focus of people's attention. Food safety is directly related to the health and life safety of the general public, and affects the development of the national economy and social stability from law and society A detailed analysis of the causes of frequent food safety incidents and how to effectively ensure food safety.


Food safety; Assure; Law


Jelena Babovic. Legal thoughts on food safety. World Journal of Sociology and Law. 2023, 1(2): 13-15. DOI:10.61784/wjsl231266.


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