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Volume 5, Issue 2, Pp 12-16, 2023



Jessica L. Chauvin


Louisiana State University, School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Corresponding Author

Jessica L. Chauvin


Psoriasis and atherosclerosis are both chronic inflammatory diseases, morphologically manifested as "plaques", but the affected target organs are different. Pro Clinical epidemiological studies suggest that there is a correlation between psoriasis and atherosclerosis. Now, from the perspective of their immunological mechanisms and inflammatory pathways, we will analyze their immunological Do a literature review on the relationship between pathogenesis.


Psoriasis; Atherosclerosis; Immunology; Pathogenesis


Jessica L. Chauvin. The link between psoriasis and the immunological pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. 2023, 5(2): 12-16. DOI:10.61784/jpmr231221.


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