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Volume 2, Issue 1, Pp 22-28, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/fer240117


Bushra Moore


Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok 10400, Thailand. 

Corresponding Author

Bushra Moore


Photoelectrochemical cathodic protection is a green, pollution-free metal cathodic protection method. In recent years, it has been favored by more and more scientific researchers in the field of corrosion protection. SrTiO3 has a relatively negative conduction band potential and has the advantages of good stability and non-toxicity. It is an excellent candidate material for photoelectrochemical cathodic protection. Firstly, the principle of photoelectrochemical cathodic protection is introduced. Secondly, the advantages and characteristics of SrTiO3 in this aspect are explained. Then the relevant research progress is reviewed around the preparation and modification methods of SrTiO3. Finally, the research direction and application of photoelectrochemical cathodic protection are summarized and prospected.


Corrosion protection; Photoelectrochemical cathode; Strontium titanate; Modification research


Bushra Moore. Research progress on strontium titanate photoelectrochemical cathodic protection materials. Frontiers in Environmental Research. 2024, 2(1): 22-28. DOI: 10.61784/fer240117.


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