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Volume 6, Issue 1, Pp 1-5, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/jpmr240122


W.H. Arden


University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic.

Corresponding Author

W.H. Arden


Common drugs of abuse include cocaine, marijuana, heroin and alcohol. Abuse of these drugs may causes acute asthma exacerbations, increases the frequency of asthma exacerbations, worsens symptoms, and increases the consumption of medical resources. Here is a brief review of the relationship between drug abuse and asthma.


Asthma; Substance abuse


W.H. Arden. Substance Abuse and Asthma. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. 2024, 6(1): 1-5. DOI: 10.61784/jpmr240122.


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