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Volume 2, Issue 2, pp 32-39


Sai-ya Xiang, Wen-Tsao Pan, Chao-hui Luo, Miao Xie, Ying-ying Li, Ya-ting Chen and Huan Jiang


Hunan University of Science and Engineering , Yongzhou, China.

Corresponding Author


The role of media has always been the core of social construction and identity construction. Mass media is changing the way people study, work and live .It leads the social fashion and ethos, it can timely report and comment on the social life of the major events and it can also play the role of public opinion guidance, thus, safeguard the healthy development of society. At the same time, the media is critical in presenting quality content that nourishes the human spirit, stimulates the imagination, and overcomes future challenges. During quarantine, interaction and experience now rely mostly on media, whose value and integrity are important. Based on the financial data of ten media enterprises in the past five years, this paper USES the super-efficiency DEA and the Malmquist index method to evaluate the efficiency of the media industry in the past five years. The research shows that in the past five years, the operating efficiency of listed companies in the media industry in my country was good overall. At the same time, the scale efficiency of the entire media industry is showing a slow upward trend, indicating that the scale efficiency of some companies needs to be improved. Therefore, companies should find their own efficiency defects, so as to improve their operational efficiency in a targeted manner.


Super efficiency DEA; Data envelopment analysis; Media industry; Input index, output index.


Sai-ya Xiang, Wen-Tsao Pan, Chao-hui Luo, Miao Xie, Ying-ying Li, Ya-ting Chen and Huan Jiang. Evaluation of the operational efficiency of media companies based on super-efficiency DEA. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2020, 2(2): 32-39.


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