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Volume 2, Issue 2, Pp 43-47, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/wjesv2n290


LiuZhen Wei


Baise City Youjiang District Yifu Elementary School, Baise 533000, Guangxi, China.

Corresponding Author

LiuZhen Wei


As globalization of education and rapid technological advancement continue, finding effective teaching methods for writing has become a crucial task for educators. This paper explores the potential application and practical benefits of the Four Square Writing Method within the Chinese elementary educational environment. Through literature review and theoretical analysis, this paper comprehensively introduces the pedagogical principles and implementation steps of the Four Square method, and deeply discusses its effectiveness in enhancing students' writing skills, organizational abilities, and creative thinking. The study shows that the structured framework of the Four Square method can significantly improve students' logical writing structure, content coherence, and language expression capabilities. Additionally, the method also helps to boost students' motivation and confidence in writing, fostering a positive attitude towards writing. This paper also discusses the adaptability of this method in different educational contexts and potential challenges, providing directions for future teaching practices and research.


Four Square Writing Method; Elementary Education; Writing Teaching; Chinese Education System; Creative Thinking; Student Engagement


LiuZhen Wei. Enhancing writing abilities in Chinese elementary students: an analysis of the application of the four square writing method. World Journal of Educational Studies. 2024, 2(2): 43-47. DOI: 10.61784/wjesv2n290.


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