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Volume 2, Issue 2, Pp 37-41, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/wjikmv2n296


LiuZhen Wei


Baise City Youjiang District Yifu Elementary School, Baise 533000, Guangxi, China.

Corresponding Author

LiuZhen Wei


This study explores effective strategies for integrating reading culture into classroom culture to create a supportive environment for students' learning and growth. Utilizing a literature review approach, it synthesizes research findings on classroom reading culture construction from both international and domestic sources. Four main strategies are proposed: creating an engaging environment, involving teachers and parents, utilizing digital tools, and connecting reading to the real world. By providing diverse reading materials and comfortable spaces, fostering reading habits jointly with teachers and parents, offering personalized reading experiences through digital tools, and linking reading content with students' actual lives, these methods can effectively promote the construction of a classroom reading culture.


Classroom reading culture, Reading environment, Digital tools, Student development


LiuZhen Wei. Strategies for constructing classroom reading culture in the digital age. World Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. 2024, 2(2): 37-41. DOI: 10.61784/wjikmv2n296.


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