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Volume 2, Issue 2, Pp 72-77, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/tsshrv2n2103


YuSong Liu 1JianJun Song 2,*


1 Graduate School, Sehan University, Mokpo 57447, South Korea.

2 School of Electronic Technology and Engineering, Shanghai Technical Institute of Electronics & Information, Shanghai 201411, China.

Corresponding Author

JianJun Song


Renowned for its elegant form, concise language, and profound emotions, classical Chinese poetry holds a significant place in Chinese language instruction within vocational education. The longstanding tradition of poetry recitation in Chinese culture is not only a vital means of cultural transmission but also a key component of classical poetry teaching in secondary vocational schools. Through the process of reciting classical poetry, students can appreciate the rhythmic and aesthetic beauty of the verses while developing their language expression skills and aesthetic sensibilities. In vocational education, the teaching of classical poetry has unique importance. It reflects the cultivation of linguistic competence and serves as a conduit for the transmission of China's rich cultural heritage. By engaging in the recitation of classical poetry, students can subtly enhance their cultural literacy, foster patriotic sentiments and strengthen their cultural confidence. Moreover, the philosophical insights and emotional depth contained in classical poetry can enlighten students' minds, contributing positively to their character development and emotional education. This paper primarily draws on the author's teaching practice to meticulously summarize the significant importance of poetry recitation in education and to explore feasible measures for integrating poetry recitation into Chinese language teaching in vocational education.


Vocational Education; Chinese Language Instruction; Classical Chinese Poetry Recitation


YuSong Liu, JianJun Song. Research on the teaching of classical Chinese poetry recitation in vocational education. Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities Research. 2024, 2(2): 72-77. DOI: 10.61784/tsshrv2n2103.


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