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Volume 2, Issue 3, Pp 11-18, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/tsshr1003


Mengesha Robso Wodajo1,*, Chaltu Bose2, Kefale Getnet1


1 Senior Lecturer and Researcher at Department of History, Po. Box 144, Bule Hora University, Ethiopia.

2 Senior Lecturer at Department of Animal Science, Po. Box 144, Bule Hora University, Ethiopia.

Corresponding Author

Mengesha Robso Wodajo


This study mainly focused on analyzing the Higgu Abbu Cultural Aspects and Values in Degem woreda of Oromo People up to 2009. It is written on three topics. The first lesson deals with conflict Resolution mechanism in Degem woreda (district), and the dispute create among society and solution for it. It also includes the process of conflict management with in the society of Degem woreda and the impairment person by someone via the process of giving blood of money for them. Secondly, it focused on the origin of Higgu Abbu of Degem woreda, Oromo indigenous mechanisms of dispute settlement. It deals with a system of “Jaarsa Araaraa” the selection and the role of Jaarsa Higgu. Lastly, it highlights the Higgu Abbu in pre of 2009, and even after the changes post of 2009 that the Higgu Abbu continued to play its role as major conflicts resolution mechanism in area of Degem woreda.


Oromo; Higgu Abbu; Conflict; Culture and Values; Degem woreda


Mengesha Robso Wodajo, Chaltu Bose, Kefale Getnet. Higgu Abbu: An indigenous conflict resolution mechanism and its cultural aspects and values among the oromos' of degem residents. Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities Research. 2024, 2(3): 11-18. DOI: 10.61784/tsshr1003.


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