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Volume 6, Issue 2, Pp 30-34, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/jpmr3004


Wei Cai


Reproductive Medicine Center, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200032, China.

Corresponding Author

Wei Cai


Most studies on embryo development have considered female factors, and few studies have introduced the influence of paternal age on embryo development. In this study, to explore the influence of paternal age on the development of offspring embryos, women aged 31-35 years old and their husbands aged 22-42 years old were selected from the assisted reproductive cycle. Their eggs were fertilized by intracytoplasmic sperm injection, the normal fertilization rates, normal cleavage rates, effective embryo rates, high-quality embryo rates, blastocyst formation rates of their embryos were statistically analyzed to assess the effects of paternal sperm on embryonic development at different ages. The results showed that for mothers between 31 -35 years old, when fathers were between 28 -36 years old, the embryo development were better, indicating that the sperm quality of fathers in this age group may be the best, and the most conducive to embryo development. When paternal age were more than 36 years old, the normal fertilization rates, effective embryo rates, high-quality embryo rates, blastocyst formation rates all decreased with age increased. This finding suggested that men should have children no later than the age of 36.


Embryonic development; Paternal age; Male factor infertility


Wei Cai. Effect of paternal age on embryonic development in mothers aged 31-35 years old. 2024, 6(2): 30-34. DOI: 10.61784/jpmr3004.


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