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Volume 2, Issue 3, Pp 97-102, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/tsshr3032


Zhu WenLiNing Yuan*


School of Information Technology, Guangxi Police College, Nanning 530028, Guangxi Province, China.

Corresponding Author

LiNing Yuan


In the context of the digital society, new types of cybercrime continue to breed and spread rapidly. The proportion of cybercrime cases in the total number of criminal cases is increasing year by year, making strengthening the governance of new types of cybercrime a key task for the development and stability of the current digital society. At present, research on new types of cybercrime mainly focuses on laws, regulations, and investigation techniques, lacking research on diverse integration mechanisms. Therefore, it is necessary to explore new ways to strengthen the governance of new types of cybercrime from the aspects of improving the legal system for the governance of new types of cybercrime, constructing cooperation mechanisms for the governance of new types of cybercrime, and innovating technological means for the governance of new types of cybercrime. The digital society is composed of a system of institutional guarantees at the upper level, an organizational management system at the middle level, and a technical system at the basic level. The governance of new types of cybercrime in the digital society also requires the joint efforts of three systems: a sound legal system guarantee, an active multi-party cooperation system, and effective governance technology support.


New type of cybercrime; Governance; Digital society; Electronic data


Zhu Wen, LiNing Yuan. Reflection on strengthening the governance of new cybercrime in the context of digital society. Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities Research. 2024, 2(3): 97-102. DOI: 10.61784/tsshr3032.


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