Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Volume 2, Issue 3, Pp 31-39, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/wms3014


HaoRan Mo1,#, HongYe Qian1,#, ZhiYuan Zhang1,#, SiQi Zhang1, ChenXu Zhu1, JiHeng Hou1,*, HaiLan Sun1, XuLe Cheng2, Shi Chen3


1University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZX, Merceyside, United Kingdom.

2Macau University of Science and Technology, Taipa 999078, Macau, China.

3National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, Hunan, China.

Corresponding Author

JiHeng Hou


The capital market has always aimed to use human intelligence algorithms to predict stock trends. However, due to the stock market's complexity and variability, accurately predicting the stock market and enhancing profits remains challenging and crucial. Internal and external factors affect the stock market, making it difficult to forecast its movements with precision. To improve the prediction accuracy, this paper proposes a Boosting ensemble learning method with regularized weights, which combines support vector Machine (SVM), decision tree and ridge regression in a gradient boosting framework. The algorithm has been recognized for improving prediction performance by exploiting the strengths of a single model and mitigating its weaknesses. A new method of model weight adjustment has been proposed to speed up the training speed of Meta-learning. This study uses ensemble learning to capture complex patterns and trends in stock market data, aiming to build a robust prediction model and improve generalization ability. We evaluate our model by back-testing different stocks in the US. Our model achieves significant prediction accuracy improvement. Compared with the single model method, the MSE and MAE of the back-test data and the actual trend are significantly reduced, and the volatility is also significantly improved.


Ensemble learning; Boosting; Regularized weights; SVM; Meta-learner; Ridge regression


HaoRan Mo, HongYe Qian, ZhiYuan Zhang, SiQi Zhang, ChenXu Zhu, JiHeng Hou, HaiLan Sun, XuLe Cheng, Shi Chen. Stock market prediction strategy based on regularized multiple ensemble learning. World Journal of Management Science. 2024, 2(3): 31-39. DOI: 10.61784/wms3014.


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