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Volume 1, Issue 1, Pp 1-3, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/jtah3019


Zakra Nadeem


Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Corresponding Author

Zakra Nadeem


This article presents a critical discourse analysis of the Pakistani web media program "Conversations with Kanwal," examining how it challenges and reconfigures gender hegemony and reflects the social context of Pakistan. Hosted by Kanwal Ahmed, the program has garnered significant attention for addressing gender, feminism, and societal norms in Pakistan. Our analysis reveals that "Conversations with Kanwal" provides a platform for counter-hegemonic voices and perspectives on gender-related issues, contesting dominant patriarchal norms in Pakistani society. The program showcases diverse experiences and narratives of women, highlighting their struggles, achievements, and aspirations. Furthermore, it tackles sensitive topics like domestic violence, workplace discrimination, and gender-based expectations, fostering dialogue and raising awareness among viewers. This article argues that "Conversations with Kanwal" plays a crucial role in reshaping the discourse around gender in Pakistan by interrogating traditional gender roles and expectations. While it challenges dominant narratives by amplifying the voices of marginalized communities and facilitating conversations on gender equality and social justice, our analysis also uncovers some limitations in the program's discourse. Specifically, it occasionally perpetuates certain stereotypes or reinforces existing power dynamics. Moreover, the program's impact is constrained by its digital platform, which may limit its reach to specific segments of society. Overall, this article contributes to the understanding of how web media programs like "Conversations with Kanwal" can subvert gender hegemony and reflect the social context in which they operate, emphasizing the need for continued critical engagement with such media platforms to assess their potential for transformative change in promoting gender equality and challenging societal norms in Pakistan.


Gender hegemony; Pakistani web media; Feminism; Societal norms; Discourse analysis


Zakra Nadeem. Subverting gender hegemony and social context: a critical discourse analysis of Pakistani web media program "conversations with Kanwal". Journal of Trends in Arts and Humanities. 2024, 1(1): 1-3. DOI: 10.61784/jtah3019.


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