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Volume 4, Issue 1, pp 53-60


Jin Lu


Guangdong Key Laboratory of Big Data Intelligence for Vocational Education, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, China.

Corresponding Author

Jin Lu, email:


At present, RSA, ECC and other asymmetric encryption algorithms are mainly used in the authentication of the Internet of Things gateway, but due to the limited amount of computation of embedded devices and the inability to resist quantum attacks, the traditional encryption algorithms are difficult to meet the security needs of the existing Internet of Things authentication, so it is urgent to develop a lightweight encryption algorithm that can resist quantum attacks. In this paper, we propose a lightweight SIKE encryption algorithm for security authentication of Internet of Things devices based on the latest release of NIST's key exchange algorithm based on hypersingular endomorphisms (SIKE algorithm), which is optimized by solving the ladder of hypersingular elliptic curves with sparse hSomomorphisms and double-channel exchange of random prime numbers. The simulation results show that the computational overhead of the algorithm can be reduced by 40% in the prime number solving stage, by 32% in the key exchange stage, and by more than 28% in ASIC implementation circuit area (taking logic gate as an example), and the final FOM value can be more than 300.


Internet of Things, SIKE; Safety Certification, Supersingular elliptic curves.


Lu Jin. A scalar operation based endomorphism sparse method for solving hypersingular elliptic curve ladder for internet of things device security authentication. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2022, 4(1): 53-60.


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