Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Volume 6, Issue 3, Pp 1-6, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/ejst3008


YuanBo Jia1,2*, Rui Yan3, Khorloo Yundendorj4


1Graduate School, University of Finance and Economics, Ulaanbaatar 13381, Mongolia.

2School of Computer Information Management, Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics, Hohhot010070, China.

3Department of Finance, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot010030, China.

4Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Finance and Economics, Ulaanbaatar 13381, Mongolia.

Corresponding Author

YuanBo Jia


With the advent of global economic integration and the deepening of regional economic cooperation, trade in agricultural products occupies an important position in the field of international trade and plays a significant role in the optimal allocation of resources and the promotion of economic development. China and Mongolia are closely linked neighbors, and trade in agricultural products is key to economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, which has shown a trend of steady growth and development in recent years. The close cooperation between China and Mongolia in the field of agricultural products nowadays brings numerous development opportunities and economic benefits for both countries, playing a vital role in the healthy and sustainable development of agricultural trade between them. This paper analyzes the scale and structure of trade in agricultural products between China and Mongolia, the main trade ports and channels, trade policies and measures, market demand and supply, and identifies issues such as the single trade structure, quality and safety problems, high logistics and transport costs, trade barriers, and frictions in agricultural product trade between China and Mongolia. It proposes measures to optimize the trade structure, strengthen quality supervision, reduce logistics and transport costs, and enhance policy communication and coordination, exploring countermeasures to address problems in the agricultural products sector. The paper also delves into the development trend of agricultural trade between China and Mongolia, including the continuous expansion of trade scale, diversification of trade structure, increasing trade facilitation, agricultural cooperation, and mutual benefits. To enhance the level of Sino-Mongolian agricultural trade and promote the healthy development of this field, this study is expected to serve as a reference for the smooth progress of related research.


China and Mongolia; Agricultural products; Trade status; Development trend


YuanBo Jia, Rui Yan, Khorloo Yundendorj. Study on the current situation and development trend of agricultural products trade between China and Mongolia. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2024, 6(3): 1-6. DOI: 10.61784/ejst3008.


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