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Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 22-27


Guanghui Hou*, Lunxin Chen


School of Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China.

Corresponding Author

Guanghui Hou


In recent years, cross-major postgraduate entrance examination has become a common phenomenon, the number of cross-major postgraduate students continues to increase, the training units need to adjust the training of this kind of postgraduate students based on the motivation of enrollment, avoid their cross-major weaknesses, enlarge their advantages. Through the investigation of the motivation of cross-specialty postgraduate students to enroll, combined with the analysis of the problems existing in the training mode, this paper puts forward some relevant strategies, such as optimizing the tutorial system mode, reforming the selection method, adjusting the existing curriculum system and focusing on the psychological quality of cross-specialty postgraduate students.


Cross-professional; Postgraduate students; Motivation for admission; Mode of cultivation.


Hou Guanghui, Chen Lunxin. Research on the motivation and training strategey of cross-specialty master students. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2022, 4(2): 22-27.


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