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Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 15-26


Aoqi Xu1*, Wei Guo2, Min Li3


1 School of Economics, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou350007, China;

2 School of Credit Management, Guangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou510521, China;

3 Digital Economy Academy, Yango University, Fuzhou 350015, China.

Corresponding Author

Aoqi Xu, email:


This paper uses literature research method and comparative analysis method. By collecting and collating relevant data and information, and studying papers and writings on the construction of credit systems at home and abroad, we understand some of the current research on the construction of credit systems under Internet finance. Then, the three mainstream models of personal credit system in developed countries, namely the market-led model represented by the United States, the government-led model represented by the European Union and the industry association-led model represented by Japan, are compared and analysed, from which some experiences that can help to improve the construction of credit system in China are drawn. After that, we discuss the current situation of credit system construction under the Internet finance in China by combining relevant information and table data. The problems that exist in the development of China's credit system under Internet finance are then presented. This is followed by a case study of Sesame Credit to provide some reference for the construction of China's credit system. Some countermeasures and suggestions are given in conjunction with the current situation and problems of credit system construction. Finally, the following conclusions are drawn on how to build and improve China's credit system under Internet finance: 1. Improve laws and regulations related to credit collection in Internet finance. 2. Establish a unified standard for credit data processing. 3. Strengthen credit publicity and education.


Internet finance; Credit system; Sesame credit.


Xu Aoqi, Guo Wei, Li Min. Research on the construction of china's credit system under internet finance -- taking sesame credit as an example. Eurasia Journal of Science and Technology. 2023, 5(1): 15-26.


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