Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Volume 1, Issue 1, Pp 39-42, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/mjet3008


YongYan Li1, Yang Yang1*, XinXin Jin2, ZhiCheng Bai1, Jie Luo1, Kun Wu1


1China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. Guangzhou 510000, Guangdong, China.

2Zhejiang Provincial Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. Hangzhou 310000, Zhejiang, China.

Corresponding Author

Yang Yang


The top of the traditional cavity ventilation shaft adopts cast-in-place concrete structure. The formwork system can be removed only after the concrete reaches the strength. If the clearance of the cavity ventilation shaft is only 40cm-70cm, the construction workers cannot carry out construction in the narrow space. Failure to remove the formwork system not only affects the function of the ventilation shaft, but also causes waste of materials. For small-span cavities, the floor decking is constructed and cast in one go. However, in order to solve the fulcrum problem of large-span floor decking, the traditional method is to set concrete structural beams in the cavity as the support of the large-span floor decking. However, this method will affect the ventilation volume of the air shaft due to the horizontal components. In order to ensure that the cavity air shaft does not affect the use function, a construction method of a single floor deck connecting beam for a large-span cavity air shaft with small roof clearance is proposed. The research results show that the construction method of the small clearance and large span cavity wind shaft on the roof can effectively ensure the one-time casting effect of the roof and avoid the risk of roof leakage. This method ensures the use function of the wind shaft and the ventilation volume required by the design; the construction method of the small clearance and large span cavity wind shaft on the roof is convenient for construction, shortens the construction period, reduces costs, is green and sustainable, has reasonable force, is safe and reliable, and can effectively solve the construction difficulties encountered in the small clearance and large span cavity wind shaft; compared with the characteristics of traditional concrete structural beams as large span floor deck support, the cost saving rate of the optimized single floor deck connection beam construction of the small clearance and large span cavity wind shaft on the roof is about 88%, which is worthy of further promotion and application.


Single floor deck connection beam; Cavity wind shaft; Floor deck


YongYan Li, Yang Yang, XinXin Jin, ZhiCheng Bai, Jie Luo, Kun Wu. Construction technology of large-span cavity ventilation shaft with small clearance on roof. Multidisciplinary Journal of Engineering and Technology. 2024, 1(1): 39-42. DOI: 10.61784/mjet3008.


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