Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Volume 2, Issue 2, Pp 33-38, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/msme3004


JiaLi Cao1,2, XunYin Liu1,2, BaoAn Zhang1,2*, JiangLong Meng1,2, ZhiYuan Zhang1,2, XiaoXia Zhao1,2


1China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. Guangzhou 510000, Guangdong, China.

2China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau Sixth Construction Co., Ltd. Hefei 230000, Anhui, China.

Corresponding Author

BaoAn Zhang


This paper takes the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Museum project in China as the background, introduces the stress characteristics of the ring-layered holier-web truss of the project, and designs a temporary support frame structure based on its stress characteristics to ensure the safe construction of the project. Yingjianke software is used to verify the overall stability and floor shear bearing capacity of the temporary support frame, and the support frame during the construction process is subjected to stress analysis. In addition, the active control method is used for unloading to realize the conversion of the force system, and the stress and strain measurement points are arranged in the key sections to monitor the stress and strain in real time during the structure construction and unloading process. The construction method of this project can provide a technical reference for the construction of similar projects.


Annular laminated holier-web truss; Temporary support frame; Yingjianke software; Force analysis


JiaLi Cao, XunYin Liu, BaoAn Zhang, JiangLong Meng, ZhiYuan Zhang, XiaoXia Zhao.  Stability and unloading calculation analysis of temporary support frame of ring-layered holier-web truss. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Mechanical Engineering. 2024, 2(2): 33-38. DOI: 10.61784/msme3004.


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