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Volume 1, Issue 1, Pp 13-17, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/jtah3022


Wei Xia


School of applied foreign languages, Zhejiang Yuexiu University, Shaoxing 312000, Zhejiang, China.

Corresponding Author

Wei Xia


In the current era, where globalization and digitalization are intricately intertwined, Tang poetry, a treasure of ancient Chinese literature and culture, faces unprecedented opportunities and challenges in its international dissemination. This paper aims to explore how digital language services can become a new engine for the international dissemination of Tang poetry. By constructing a cross-cultural data analysis platform, optimizing the Tang poetry translation tool system, innovating language service talent cultivation models, and implementing multi-modal dissemination strategies, the paper seeks to achieve the precise, efficient, and widespread dissemination of Tang poetry. The paper not only outlines the general landscape of the international dissemination of Tang poetry but also delves deeply into the application value and practical pathways of digital language services in this process, providing new perspectives and approaches for theoretical research and practical exploration in the international dissemination of Tang poetry.


Digital language services; Tang poetry; International dissemination; Cross-cultural; Talent cultivation


Wei Xia. Research on the international dissemination of Tang poetry from the perspective of digital language services. Journal of Trends in Arts and Humanities. 2024, 1(1): 13-17. DOI: 10.61784/jtah3022.


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