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Volume 2, Issue 3, Pp 30-33, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/wjes3005


Muhammad Mustafa*Lubna Ali Muhammad, Sadia Ayub


Lincoln University College, Petaling Jaya, Negeri Selangor, Malaysia.

Corresponding Author

Muhammad Mustafa


In sociolinguistic contexts, it is a prevalent practice within social settings to exploit various languages for communicative or discursive rationales. A flourishing discourse is done when both the narrator and the listener comprehend effortlessly. For an enhanced and thriving discourse in the pedagogical settings, understandable linguistic items, like words, phrases or sentences borrowing from other languages is ordinary practice. The application of linguistic items like words and phrases from other languages in discourse is called code-switching (CS). Balti speakers (dwellers of Baltistan region of Northern Area of Pakistan) use some English words spontaneously or willingly while communicating in their local language (Balti language) for better and successful interaction. Code switching of local language i.e. Balti, makes teaching and learning of English effective at secondary level in Baltistan. The research method applied in this study is Qualitative research based on case study. This Descriptive study with Purposive Sampling aims at investigating the attitude of learners while teaching English books by the teachers.


Learners’ engagement; Balti language; Borrowing; CS (Code Switching); ELT (English Language Teaching)


Muhammad Mustafa, Lubna Ali Muhammad, Sadia Ayub. Learners’ engagement through code-switching in ELT classes at secondary level in Baltistan. World Journal of Educational Studies. 2024, 2(3): 30-33. DOI: 10.61784/wjes3005.


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