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Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 1-8


Guan Liu, Ji Li*


Engineering Research Center of Maglev Technology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, 410073, China.

Corresponding Author

Ji Li


A conventional AC linear machine for the electromagnetic launcher has a problem of low-efficiency. This paper presents a superconducting DC linear motor (SDCLM) to improve the energy-efficient of system for superhigh velocity electromagnetic launch. The operation principle and conception model are introduced. Detailed analytical formulas for magnetic force are presented. The static thrust versus position and dynamics launch process characteristics are simulated and computed. The result indicates that the superconducting DC linear motor offers outstanding efficiency merit as energy-efficient direct linear electric drives propelling large loading for electromagnetic launch system. Finally, a thrust control of superconducting DC linear motor (SDCLM) based on current compensation was proposed to minimum thrust fluctuant. The controller is designed based on the relationship between current and back-EMF, and the control scheme is assessed through simulation study.


DC Linear Motor; Energy-Efficient; Large Loading; Electromagnetic Launch; Thrust Control; Current Compensation.


Liu Guan, Li Ji. Design and control of a superconducting DC linear motor for electromagnetic launch system. Journal of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. 2019, 1(1): 1-8.


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