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Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 17-25


Xiang Li 1,2, Zhijian Wang 1*


College of Computer and Information Technology Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing, 211100, China;

Faculty of Computer and Software, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huaian, 223003, China.

Corresponding Author

Zhijian Wang, email:


For the problems of collaborative filtering recommender algorithm, such as it is greatly influenced by the sparse rating data, the data clustering pretreatment is easily trapped in the local optimum in the non-convex sample space, etc, we propose an improved spectral clustering algorithm to optimize the recommender system. Firstly, this method improves the standard spectral clustering algorithm based on the feature difference and orthogonal feature vector, and then the clustering number will automatically determine. Secondly, it uses the improved spectral clustering algorithm to cluster the user and item of the original rating matrix. Thirdly, it fills the missing value for the clustered rating matrix. Finally, it recommends new items for users. By the simulation experiment on Epinions and MovieLents data sets, the results show that this method can effectively alleviate the data sparseness, and improve the prediction accuracy and generalization ability of recommender system.


Spectral clustering, recommender system, collaborative filtering, matrix decomposition.


Li Xiang,Wang Zhijian. Improved spectral clustering algorithm and its application in recommender system. Journal of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. 2019, 1(1): 17-15.


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