Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
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Volume 6, Issue 4, Pp 1-6, 2024

DOI: 10.61784/jcsee3017


Rana Hassam Ahmed, Majid Hussain, Hassan Abbas, Samraiz Zahid, Muhammad Hannan Tariq*


Department of Computer Science, The University of Faisalabad, 38000 Pakistan.

Corresponding Author

Muhammad Hannan Tariq


As the technology behind autonomous vehicles advances at breakneck speed, ensuring their safety has become a critical concern for engineers and policymakers alike. While numerous security measures have been proposed to mitigate risks associated with cyberattacks or hardware malfunction, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms offer promising solutions to enhance anomaly detection capabilities within these systems. This research paper delves into precisely this area of interest, exploring how AI algorithms can improve anomaly detection in autonomous vehicles. Through an examination of various AI techniques--including machine learning, deep learning, and anomaly detection algorithms--this study examines their potential for bolstering the security of autonomous systems and mitigating potential risk factors. To achieve its aims effectively, the study focuses on analyzing large datasets using advanced AI models that can identify anomalies accurately and efficiently. This approach will enable timely responses to detected threats by allowing for the swift implementation of responsive measures. The development of robust frameworks for protecting autonomous vehicle networks represents one significant contribution to this research's findings. By utilizing AI techniques previously unexplored in this area, this study enables a more thorough understanding of exactly how vulnerabilities may develop within these complex systems–-and offers viable strategies for moving forward. Ultimately, producing findings capable of significantly strengthening established protocols can help those designing processes based around autonomous devices deploy them more confidently. In doing so–-by contributing insights explicitly tailored to securing connected infrastructure components like self-driving cars–-we aspire toward better outcomes through innovative technology applications while keeping people safer than ever before.


Autonomous vehicle; Artificial intelligence; Anomaly detection; Security and privacy


Rana Hassam Ahmed, Majid Hussain, Hassan Abbas, Samraiz Zahid, Muhammad Hannan Tariq. Enhancing autonomous vehicle security through advanced artificial intelligence techniques. Journal of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. 2024, 6(4): 1-6. DOI: 10.61784/jcsee3017.


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