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Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 26-33


Wei He


School of Economics and Management, Minjiang University, Fuzhou, 350108, China.

Corresponding Author

Wei He, email:


This research proposes a Fuzzy C Means-based approach to identify moving vessels from a plethora of blips captured by radar. Initially, the graphical characteristics of radar blips in sequential radar frames, such as speed, course, and size, are quantified and selected as pieces of evidence in a Fuzzy C Means-based (FCM-based) model, which is used for identifying the authenticity of a blip being a real moving vessel. With the help of the FCM, it is feasible to build up an artificial intelligence to classify and identify the authenticities of radar blips, calculate the possibility of some blip being a real vessel based on the three pieces of evidence mentioned above. To archive the goals above, the chief problem of building a successful FCM framework is to find an appropriate way to offer a classification coefficient C and a fuzzy coefficient m. Since the C in classification is finite, this research proposes a method to obtain C by assessing the Euclidean distance of expected results. As the m is related to the discreteness of the evidence and results, this coefficient can be evaluated by Shannon Entropy and gain. In the field testing, the improved FCM was capable of classifying the radar blips accurately, lowering the working strength of ship operators, and improving the safety. A real case study has been conducted to validate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed approach. 


Marine Radar; Fuzzy C Means; Shannon Entropy; Fuzzy Inference.


He Wei. A recognition approach of radar blips based on improved fuzzy C means. Journal of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. 2019, 1(1): 26-33.


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